
How Arkansas United Methodist Churches are celebrating the eclipse

We’ve been hearing about the April 8 eclipse for years. Now that it’s almost here, how can you be prepared? And where you can watch the historic event with others in your community?

How to prepare

The eclipse will begin at 1:45 pm CDT with the final exit of the Moon’s shadow from the state at 2:00 pm CDT.

Since Arkansas is in the direct path of the eclipse, we can expect an influx in traffic. It’s recommended that Arkansans prepare for the increase in travelers by filling their cars with gas, getting groceries, and running errands a few days prior.

While you’re out, you can pick up solar viewing glasses (eclipse glasses) from grocery stores, gas stations, and even churches, such as Texarkana First UMC, in your area.

Where to watch

The April 8 eclipse will cover 53 of Arkansas’ 75 counties, stretching over 100 miles of the state. Its path includes the Little Rock metro, Conway, Jonesboro, Hot Springs, and Texarkana. For the longest total eclipse in the state, Russellville, Clinton, De Queen, Mena, Batesville, Mountain View, and Melbourne areas will enjoy over four minutes of totality. 

A few churches in its path are planning fun events to celebrate this historic occasion.

Pinnacle View UMC is hosting Solar Sunday on April 7. “It will be ‘visible’ in worship,” said Rev. Betsy Singleton-Snyder. “Lighting, liturgy, mystery of the universe, followed by moon pies, milky ways, and starbursts. We also have an eclipse backdrop for selfies.” Pinnacle View will also have “pre-eclipse” activities after worship – photo backdrop, moon pies, etc.

Texarkana is having a huge “solarbation” downtown, so Texarkana First UMC is supporting the event in its neighborhood by handing out solar viewing glasses.

Pulaski Heights UMC is opening up its parking lot for the neighborhood.

Ozark First UMC is the largest parking space near the town’s big event on the square. The church’s youth are selling parking spots, at the city’s suggestion. “We’ve talked about giving out moon pies and we may have breakfast and lunch available in our family life center,” said Rev. Brad Elrod.

Bentonville First UMC is having a party on the green space.

First UMC Jonesboro is hosting a parking lot party on the corner of Madison and Matthews at 11:30 a.m. Hot dogs and fixings will be available before the 12:38 beginning of the partial phase of the eclipse. Totality begins at 1:55 p.m. and will last 2 minutes 23.5 seconds.

Arkansas State Tourism has a full list of helpful resources, information, and more available.

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