
Disaster Response Ministry and Volunteers In Mission Update

“What IF disaster response really is the way to transform the world for Jesus Christ?”

DR Ministries is working with the Pulaski County Long Term Recovery Group to form Emotional and Spiritual Teams that will either walk through the affected communities or have an open location where survivors can come and talk to us, tell their story, or have us help them find professional ongoing psychological help. We have been fortunate to find grants that can help pay for these services. We will be expanding into Cross County soon.

Long-Term Recovery in Cross and Pulaski Counties have both just started Case Management.       I am sure we will be needing volunteers to help rebuild the homes and lives of the survivors. The volunteers could be needed for anything from being a volunteer coordinator, providing meals for volunteers, opening up their churches so the volunteers from out of town can have a safe clean place to sleep, eat, and shower, to helping rebuild – and repair the homes of the survivors.

Volunteers In Mission is in the process of learning how we can team up with OMP and Mission U to help our younger generations learn about how they too can use their gifts and talents to help those in need recover after a natural or man-made disaster. 

I will keep you updated on the progress of all these projects, and the needs that may arise.

Remember, Disasters don’t make appointments!

Spring storm season is coming soon!

Responding Together,

Sheri Mathews

Conference Disaster Response Ministries and Volunteers In Mission Coordinator


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