
Survey on Conference and Connectional Priorities Executive Summary 

In October 2023, Bishop Laura Merrill and some Arkansas Annual Conference staff leaders (Rev. Jim Polk, Rev. Michael Roberts, and Amy Ezell) compiled an online survey to help determine our priorities for the future. This survey was part of an intentional effort to increase communication in our connection.  It was shared with over 2,000 local lay leaders, active clergy, and connectional table chairpersons, and over 200 completed responses were received.

The survey results show an overwhelming desire to reclaim our United Methodist identity as a resource for the life of faith in Christ and ministry in the world.  

Respondents expressed a mixture of heartbreak and hope, with a need to acknowledge the pain of this moment and a call to work towards healing. When there was an opportunity to express value and importance, the work of connecting communities, congregations, and clergy received the highest marks, along with making appointments, clergy credentialing, and providing administrative support for local churches. People said they want to be together, gathering in different ways to learn with and from each other. The themes that appeared repeatedly in open responses included grace, love, inclusion, connection, unity,  and the word “open”( table, doors, hearts, minds).

Overall, we heard a call to consider new ways of functioning and resourcing congregations and clergy that center around connection, conversation, being in mission together, and working together as we move into a new season. The survey responses showed that United Methodists in Arkansas have an opportunity to reclaim our distinctive Wesleyan calling. 

The survey results were shared at a November Clergy Gathering and the most recent meeting of the Leadership Table. They will be used by the Bishop, Cabinet, Directors, and Leadership Table members to help guide future plans for conference ministries. We are grateful for all these responses and the future God is offering us. Now is our time to come together for the shared purpose of glorifying God and sharing grace in our communities. 

If you want to view the survey results, please contact Jim Polk at  or Amy Ezell at

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