
Stoking an Ember into a Flame
Former Addict Lights the Way for Others by Sharing Her Light of Hope

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No one would have ever guessed Elizabeth Grobmyer would be a drug addict. She came from a “good” family, made a lot of friends in school, her stepfather was an attorney and provided her with everything she wanted or needed. On the outside, she had it all. On the inside, she felt empty.

“I never thought of myself as anything other than ‘addict’,” she said. “After going through the Arkansas CARES program at Methodist Family Health, they helped me see myself as ‘mom’, ‘daughter’, ‘friend’ and ‘employee’.”

Arkansas Centers for Addictions, Resources, Education and Services (Arkansas CARES) is a program for women who are mothers and have a dual diagnosis of a mental health issue and substance abuse. Women can come to the intensive, 120-day, rehabilitation program after they go through a detoxification program. What makes it different (and successful) is they can keep their children with them.

“The first stressor in your life after rehab is your family,” Elizabeth explained. “I have two daughters, and when I was using, my youngest was crying. I asked what was going on, and my oldest told me she dropped her, but only a little bit, when she was trying to feed her a pop-tart. My toddler was trying to feed my baby, and I was completely out of it. I knew then I had to get help.”

When Elizabeth and her girls came to Arkansas CARES, they entered therapy – separately and together – so they could learn to work as a team. Elizabeth learned skills to help her mother her daughters appropriately, and the girls learned how to help Elizabeth by being team members. Today, Elizabeth is a program consultant with Arkansas CARES, showing women just like her that they, too, can overcome addiction and become successful for their families and themselves.

“My girls are so happy now,” Elizabeth said. “My youngest doesn’t really remember our time at Arkansas CARES. I tell the ladies in this program there is so much more out there for them than a life of drugs. They can keep their kids with them, they can become a strong family, and they can model what it is to overcome something that has such a hold on your life that you think you’ll never put it behind you. With Arkansas CARES, I did.”

To learn more about Elizabeth’s story, watch her YouTube video at Methodist Family Health’s YouTube channel. 

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