
Incorporating Mission Moments

What if you could build a team of people who could share how grateful they are to be a part of your church? And in return create a stronger sense of discipleship and service?

“Mission Moments” are small examples of how your church is doing ministry and the only rule about these mighty tools, is that they have to be connected to groups, individuals, or locations that are near and dear to the hearts of your church family.

Where should you begin?

  1. Utilize this Engagement Template for the month of October to organize your Mission Moments both in-person and online. There are also ideas for social media too.
  2. Dive deeper into incorporating Mission Moments into a worship service with ResourceUMC.
  3. Use only ONE Mission Moment at worship each week.
  4. Utilize a layperson each week, who is already involved with this mission or who can share how it has directly affected them. Remind them more than three times, that this should be less than 2 minutes. Leave people wanting MORE, not exhausted from an overshare. Possibly consider having your Discipleship Team plan these in the future.
  5. Most importantly, make sure that the Mission Moment reflects someone, something, or somewhere that is well known to your church family. Examples include local feeding ministry, youth ministry, UMM, UMW, local schools, after-school ministries, upcoming events, and volunteers in ministries with the community.

Each Mission Moment doesn’t have to have a happy ending. It just needs to instill a sense of loyalty, passion (through giving and serving), and joy in knowing that your church family is serving way beyond the walls of the building.

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