
Financial Assistance

Local Pastor Licensing School: The cost to Arkansas students attending the Arkansas Local Pastor License School (LPLS) is $350. Some funds may be available for students attending other schools outside of our conference boundaries. Approval for these funds must come from the Dean of the Arkansas Conference Local Pastor License School prior to class participation.

Course of Study: Financial Assistance, based on need and the availability of funds, will be 50% of tuition, normal fees, room and board for full or part-time students in the basic Course of Study; 100% reimbursement of tuition for courses taken in the Arkansas Extension Course of Study School available for part-time local pastors and 50% reimbursement of tuition for those who successfully complete correspondence courses (not to exceed 4 courses). The Board does not pay for repeated courses. Click here for the application.

History, Polity, and Doctrine Reimbursement: The local pastor who chooses to continue in the local pastor relationship following completion of COS, and beginning in 2011, shall complete courses in UM History, Polity, and Doctrine within two years. Applicants will sign a promissory note. Loans will be forgiven for service at the rate of one year of full-time appointed service for two semesters of aid. Click here for the application.

Seminary Financial Aid: Through the Ministerial Education Fund (MEF) apportionment, the BOM may provide loans to certified candidates who are attending University senate-approved seminaries. Students attending United Methodist seminaries can receive a maximum of $10,000 per year in loans. Students at other University Senate approved seminaries can receive a maximum of $7,000 per year in loans. Students will not receive funds to repeat a failed, dropped, or incomplete course. Applicants will sign a promissory note. Loans will be forgiven for service at the rate of one year of full-time appointed service for two semesters of aid. Click here for the application.

Continuing Education: All clergy under full-time appointment with charge conference compensation, as reported in Box 13 of the Compensation form, of less than $58,920 may receive reimbursement from the BOM of up to $200 annually as funds are available.  This amount shall include only projected expenses for tuition, books, fees, room, and board. Travel cannot be included as a projected expense. Click here for the application.

Certification in Specialized Areas of Ministry: Applications may be made for up to $200/year as funds are available to help pay for specialized certification courses. Click here for the application.

Methodist Foundation for Arkansas Seminary Scholarship: Certified candidates for Elders and Deacons orders are eligible to apply for this scholarship provided through the Methodist Foundation for Arkansas. Scholarship applicants must have been accepted by a United Methodist Seminary as a full-time student. Click here for more information.

General Board of Higher Education Scholarships, Loans, and Grants: GBHEM also provides financial assistance to students. Click here for more information.